
. middle .

Saya sedang di melbourne mencari ketenangan di dalam kehidupan sosial Perth saya ..


saya justru lebih bingung dan lebih dicari banyak orang dan sometimes i feel like this is the end of my sosial life ..

kenapa gwe bisa bilang gituh .. because .. everything seems so much in between .. between .. AGAIN ,.

kenapa sih gwe ngga bisa ngga selalu in the middle.. 

gwe butuh pojokan aja susah banget , makanya gwe pengen banget di pojokan (well, ini namanya kiasan ,, ngga semua orang ngerti , maybe cuman some people yang ngerti dan tau dengan sangat amat .. bagaimana caranya .. dan bagaiman maksudnya .. semua orang ini .. mahmahmahmahhhhhh.....

hadoooohh.. gwe capek dan gwe ngga mau tau apa yang terjadi nanti di antara gwe .. dan di antara smua orang sekeliling gwe jadi tambah buruk ..

hey, if i die , aku ngga mau ninggalin kenangan buruk donk bebeh .. gila apa .. emangnya aku yang kaya di GODFATHER movie apa...

yang kalo meninggal , dendam kesumat dimana2.. ya nggalahyahhh bebhhhhhhh.. ejhehehehehe

im still wondering gimana nasib gwe pas gwe mo balik dr melb ke perth ..

kenapa gwe bisa kaya gini yah bow... TEGA TEGA TEGAAAAAA... hehehehe i like i like .. heheheh

udh ah .. gtg



. mY LIFE .. around me .. people .. .

. i was just thinking some stuff that maybe just some people will understand what we as human being should do in life .

. survive .. yes, surviving this cruel world ..

. No one can survive if they have bad feelings about themselves or even others .. our lives is one big mess and fixing it .. its very hard, even if some of the people who wanted to help us to be ourselves again.. they just probably give up because we dont want them to save us ..

. i will let you know a story about someone or even related to myself..

. This human being need LOVE and lots of it but when they got it, they just blow it away without any good reason . 

. This human being wants to get out , wants to be FREE and wants to get out of this stupid and hopeless world for them ..

. This human being is so sick of everything and they want to get out.. JUST OUT .. WHATEVER AND NEED IT ASAP .. LIKE NOW .. .

. Maybe this thing called LOVE or LIFE is not very important but, our lives is filled with all those stuff and we can't get away with it ..

. its just the way in our world .. this world is just SUCKS!!! TO THE MAX ..

. Finding some hope is very hard and sometimes people did not really understand what we have been through . because they think that we just one of THOSE PEOPLE .. the people who just seeking for attention ..

. We are not like that .. We just wanna be FREE . to express everything, every single hope for me and the rest of our people ..

. This blood represent US .

. This blood represent OUR PEOPLE .

. The one who died because of OUR CRUEL AND HOPELESS WORLD .

. i will too .. maybe .




hai guys.. perkenalkan .. gatot sisca hanoman.. hahahahhahah namanya sisca.. dia ini ... adek plus temen gila saya yang tambah gila plus saya jadi stupid doesnt play..


dia ini udh jadi tameng aku ..

kita bbrp hari ini bareng2 terus, seneng sih ada temen yang bisa menggila bareng dan bahkan tambah bisa dibilang kita ini udh siap dimasukin ke RSJ.. hahah

kadang kita ini terlalu sering SAMA jadinya agak2 SEREM tapi gpp..  kita bisa handle everything kok..


sungguh bakal kangen kamu dekkkkk.

.My Circle.

.Know me Better.

My photo
jakarta, indonesia, Indonesia